Day 40 - Introduction to Cybersecurity with Python
Welcome to Day 40 of our #PythonForDevOps series. Today, we're going to discuss about cybersecurity, and we'll be using Python as our...
Day 40 - Introduction to Cybersecurity with Python
Day 39 - Building APIs with FastAPI
Day 38 - Time Series Analysis with Python
Day 37 - Introduction to Data Science with Python
Day 36 - Creating GUIs with Tkinter
Day 35 - Speech Recognition with Python
Day 34 - Natural Language Processing (NLP) with NLTK
Day 33 - Working with PDFs using PyPDF2
Day 32 - Image Processing with Pillow
Day 31: Network Programming with Python - Socket Programming
Day 30 - Introduction to Web APIs and RESTful Services
Day 29 - Working with Databases in Python - SQLite and SQLAlchemy
Day 28: Deep Learning with TensorFlow and Keras
Day 27: Introduction to Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn
Day 26 - Flask - Building Web Applications with Python