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Understand API Gateway resources, methods, and stages - Day 87

Writer's picture: vPvP

Hello and welcome back to our #100DaysOfAWS journey. On Day 87, we're going to discuss on AWS API Gateway. This is where the magic happens - where your applications meet the world. Think of it as crafting the front door to your digital kingdom.

Understanding API Gateway Resources -

Imagine your API Gateway as a grand mansion, and resources are the various rooms inside. Each room serves a distinct purpose, housing a different aspect of your API.

  1. Creating Resources:

  • Let's say you're building an e-commerce API. You'd have resources like /products, /orders, and /customers.

  • To create a resource in the AWS Management Console, you simply click "Create Resource" and give it a name. For our e-commerce API, let's create a resource named /products.

  1. Resource Paths:

  • The path for a resource is like the address to a room in your mansion. Our /products resource has a path, and its full address is your API's base URL + /products.

Working with API Gateway Methods -

Now, think of methods as the actions you can perform within each room of your mansion. They define how you interact with the resources.

  1. Creating Methods:

  • For our /products resource, you might want methods like GET to retrieve products and POST to add new ones.

  • In the console, you select your resource and click "Create Method." Choose the HTTP method; let's start with GET.

  1. Integration:

  • This is where you decide what happens when someone interacts with your method. For GET /products, you might integrate with a Lambda function to fetch products from your database.

  • You set up integration in the console, linking your method to the necessary backend resources.

  1. Request and Response Mapping:

  • You can transform incoming requests and outgoing responses. For example, if the client sends JSON, but your backend expects XML, API Gateway can handle the conversion.

  • These mappings are configured in the console under the method's settings.

Navigating API Gateway Stages -

Think of stages as the different environments your mansion can exist in. Maybe you have a "Development" stage for testing, a "Production" stage for the live application, and so on.

  1. Creating Stages:

  • In the console, you navigate to your API and click "Create Stage." For our e-commerce API, let's create a "Production" stage.

  1. Deployment:

  • Stages are like snapshots of your API at a specific point in time. When you make changes, you deploy them to a stage.

  • You deploy from the console, choosing the stage and indicating which version of your API to deploy.

  1. Stage Variables:

  • These are like adjustable settings for each stage. For instance, your development stage might connect to a test database, while the production stage connects to the live one.

  • Set up stage variables in the console, making your API adaptable to different environments.

Putting It All Together - An Example:

Let's say you have an API for a weather application. You might have resources like /forecast, /current, and /history. Each resource has methods - GET for fetching weather data and POST for updating it.

For the /forecast resource:

  • Resource Path: /forecast

  • Methods: GET and POST

  • Integration: GET might connect to a weather service API, and POST could update the forecast in your database.

  • Stages: You'd have stages like "Development" and "Production," each with its own set of variables for API adaptability.

API Gateway is your gateway to the digital world. Mastering resources, methods, and stages empowers you to design a flexible and powerful API, catering to different needs and environments.

Stay tuned for more cloud adventures in the upcoming days of our #100DaysOfAWS series.

Thank you for reading!

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